Here is what you can expect when you visit us on a Sunday. We look forward to meeting you soon!
- Service begins at 10:30 am with service lasting about 1 1/2 hours.
- Come casual or come formal! Just make sure you come! On a typical Sunday morning you will see jeans, khakis, suits, dresses, shorts, and capris. Don’t lose sleep over what to wear!
- Fellowship is important to us. Our café opens at 10:00, it is a great place to get to know others over coffee before worship service begins. Be sure to stop in early for some coffee, snacks or just for the conversation.
- Along with a nursery for infants and toddlers, we offer children’s church for grades K-6th and a class for 7-9th grade students during each Sunday service. Your children will be checked in each Sunday prior to entering their class. When praise and worship begins, the kids from Kindergarten and up join the adults as a group in the sanctuary. Afterwards, they return to their rooms for the remainder of the service. Our security team monitor the halls during the service.
- When the worship service begins, you can expect a mix of contemporary as well as traditional praise and worship. We enjoy singing and using music to express our thanks to the Lord and believe that any music style can glorify God. We place emphasis on theologically sound worship lyrics.
- Our worship service centers on the written Word of God. Preaching is expositional (verse by verse) rather than topical. Sermons typically run around 45 minutes.